Sunday, 10 May 2015


They called them borders,
Invisible lines that divided them.
On color, creed, castes and races.
States and Nations and Continents
That made up the Earth, yet divided it.

I am superior because of my color, they said,
You're superior because of your caste.
So what if we are all humans,
We need borders, we need division.

Your God is not my God, they said,
No, you are not equal to me.
So what if we're all nature's children,
We still create our own God.

We fight to fulfill our own greed, they said,
Deny what we want, and you die.
So what if we were meant to live together,
Greed comes before humanity.

We will fight till one of us is wiped out, they said,
We cannot live in harmony.
So what if we must all die in the end,
We need to establish our supremacy.

We fight for our God and race, they said,
For our nation and our pride,
So what if Love has lost its meaning,
In borders we live, and we die.

(Image Source:

Saturday, 18 April 2015

The Story of Earth

The Earth was dying.
She thought back
To the days she was young,
A piece flung off the sun;
The years spent spinning, clueless;
Spinning, wondering
In some corner of the
Mystery that is Cosmos.

To the era of rains,
That beat down on her, unrelenting;
To the first spark of life;
To the little Amoeba;
To the little green plant
That grew into forests.
To the Jurassic Era,
The endless stamping
Of monstrous feet
To their extinction.

To the days of apes,
To the days of evolution.
The days of Neanderthals
To the days of Cro-Magnons,
Old and New Stone Ages.

To where Rome and Egypt flourished,
To the days of grandeur and glory
Of emperors, palaces and cathedrals,
To the day they were buried.
To music, painting, poetry,
To love, hope, laughter, and dreams.
To human spirit and bond.
To ego, greed and hate.

To brilliance and innovation,
To the era of machines,
To the era of computers.

To the days of nuclear weapons.
To the days of war.
The day her children killed each other,
Now buried inside her forever
In eternal peace.
To the era of endless desolation.

"If I could live again", thought she,
A human being I'd like to be,
They came and laughed and cried and went,
Not caring how much they hurt me".

Bearing in her mind that last thought,
The Earth turned into a mundane rock,
The stars twinkled in farewell, and
The universe went on like clockwork.
 (Image Source:

Saturday, 11 April 2015

Just A Morning....

In His Eastern abode,
He molds pearly water
Into a glowing sphere;
He opens the door;
With the golden light
The whole world he does smear.

Here bounces a fountain
Of liquid diamond,
Sparkling with molten joy;
The fragrant buds
Of Jasmine plants
Blossom in their beauty, coy.

Little drops of elixir
Shine on leaves,
Glitter on flowers.
Little miracles,
This beautiful dawn
Upon us He showers.

The petals of flowers
Are calling out to
A swarm of buzzing bees;
That spread the fragrance
All over the place
Carried by the morning breeze.

The melodious notes
Of birdsongs
Arise from plants and trees;
The earth has become
A musical place
That makes the Heavens freeze.

The eyes see,
The tongue tastes,
The body feels the touch;
The mind is lost,
The senses caught
In the morning beauty's clutch.

(Translated from Dattatreya Ramachandra Bendre's "MooDala Maneya")

(Image Source:

Tuesday, 10 February 2015

The "Dream" Date

He took me to a restaurant
Where ghosts served the food,
The waiter asked for orders
But I couldn't see where he stood.

Knives and forks were whizzing past,
Some moved slow and some moved fast,
Laden with food, plates floated around,
And landed on tables without a sound.

A bottle of champagne came flying by,
The cork flew open in the wink of an eye,
The bottle tilted into the glass,
And poured out the drink, with finesse and class.

"Cheers", I said and raised my drink,
And at the bottom, I saw a ring,
He smiled, got up and on his knees,
All the plates mid air did freeze.

He took my wrist and helped me stand,
And slipped the ring into my hand,
We drank and dined and tipped them well,
At that point, out of bed I fell.

(Image Source:

A Prayer

Light the lamp in us, O Lord,
Show us of life the right way,
To be lost in the dark we cannot afford,
Lead us to light, we pray.

Free us from the chains of ignorance,
Make our wisdom glow,
Bring us out of our deep trance,
Let thy children grow.

Chase away the clouds of hatred,
Strike them with thy power,
Rid the world of all the dread,
Let the rains of love shower.

Hold our hands, O mighty one,
Lead us away from sin,
Without thy help, right can't be done,
Against wrong we cannot win.

For all our sins, O Almighty,
We beg thy graceful pardon,
Take thy children, and let us rest
In thy colorful garden.
(Image Source: